Approved Training Providers

Training is not only required to obtain and maintain one’s credential, it is also an important part of professional and ethical behavior. We recognize the need to continually improve our knowledge and skills to ensure that we are providing the quality of service to which we have committed.

Below is a listing of those providers who have sought and gained approval by the CCB to provide trainings to our candidates and certified professionals. Please note that not all trainings available will be applicable to all credentials, so please make every effort to select coursework that fits your role. We can provide feedback if you have specific questions.

In February 2022, the Connecticut Certification Board formed a partnership with Trusted Provider Network ( of New Orleans, Louisiana to offer our trainings through their virtual platform. TPN has an extremely deep and diverse catalog of live and on demand events, most of which are available at no cost. We encourage you to check them out at TPN.Health.