Getting Certified

Are you interested in board certification through the CCB? By clicking the link below, you access more information about the Overview of the CCB Certification Process training for those professionals brand new to the CCB and Certification Coaching sessions for those with specific questions about meeting the identified competencies.

What We Do

In addition to certification, we provide a number of workforce development services for individuals and organizations. Whether it is SUD/COD specific training, QPR for suicide prevention or organizational development and effectiveness consulting, the CCB is ready, able and uniquely qualified to help. There is one main theme underlying all that we do – protection of those persons served by professionals in the field.

Who We Are

Established in 1980, the CCB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is “cultivating and maintaining the highest standards of professional practice in the recovery field.”  Our staff is experienced, knowledgeable, and committed to the responsibilities of our charge. We are led by a diverse board of leaders from the field that represent some of the foremost organizations in our state.


Ethical Practice: Non-Discrimination

Meriden, CT – The CCB wishes to offer a reminder to those in the field, as well as the community, a reminder that the Connecticut Certification Board does not allow for discrimination of any kind by certified professionals. As noted below, all Codes of Ethical Practices adopted by the organization include, in very clear language, this standard.

We recognize that discrimination can come in many forms, be it intentional and blatant or unintentional and couched in microaggressions. Regardless of where the behavior falls on a scale of severity, it should be handled immediately through the employer and be reported to the Ethics Committee of the CCB for investigation. As with all ethical complaints received, they will be investigated vigorously. If the complaint is found to be accurate during the investigation, appropriate sanctions up to and including potential suspension of revocation of credential(s) will be administered.

The staff and Directors of the CCB are not free of responsibility to act in a non-discriminatory manner, and complaints can be directed to the President of the Board.

Non-discrimination is addressed in the specific codes of ethical behavior, quoted below:

SUD Counselors:

A certified professional shall not in any way participate in discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender or gender designation, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, socio-economic status, political belief, psychiatric or psychological impairment, or physical or cognitive disability.

Peer Specialists:

Certified Peer Recovery Specialists must not discriminate against individuals based on race, religion, age, sex, disability, ethnicity, national ancestry, sexual orientation or economic condition.

Prevention Specialists:

A prevention specialist shall not discriminate against service recipients or colleagues based on race, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic condition or physical, medical or mental disability.

The More You Know

Certification and Licensure: Clarifying the Confusion

It is not uncommon for professionals to confuse the processes of specialty board certification and state licensure when it comes to SUD professional credentialing. The reason is simple, it can be confusing. As we receive a lot of requests for information on both, it is important to clarify the differences.


In 2020, the CCB created a podcast entitled Scope of Practice to give voice to issues that are relevant to the behavioral health workforce, most notable the SUD/COD industry. Our hope is to expose professionals to different ideas and elicit conversation.

Continuing Education

Earning continuing education credits for initial certification or renewal doesn’t need to be routine or boring. The CCB offers several different options and unique subject matter for professionals, including our partnership with TPN.Health of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Exam Preparation

We recognize that all individuals have their own distinct style of learning, especially when it comes to getting ready to take a credentialing examination to advance their career. Take advantage of our available alternatives to formulate your own study plan.